In 2007, the inaugural season of The Musky Hunter television show, the program was the proud recipient of 2 Telly Awards for editing and cinematography. The award winning episodes, Trophy Hunt and Crazy Eights can be seen on the television show’s season one DVD.
The Telly Awards honor outstanding local, regional and cable TV programs. In 2007, the 28th annual Telly Awards received more than 14,000 entries from all 50 states and around the world.
The Musky Hunter producer and host Jim Saric was ecstatic when he heard the news. “To win these awards in our first season is a testament to the quality of individuals who work hard with me to produce this show,” said Saric. “I attribute much of the success of my first TV season to this award-winning production team, as well as the support I received from sponsors and viewers,” continued Saric.
More than 40 accomplished industry professionals judge the Telly Awards competition. Judges evaluated entries against a high standard of merit to recognize distinction in creative work. The chairman of the 2007 panel, Richard Friley, a Telly Award winner himself, was quoted saying, “It is a true accomplishment for all of the winners to be recognized from such an outstanding body of work.” To find out more about the Telly Awards, go to