Catching more Spring Fish!

by Captain Marty Papke

It’s all about details fisherman and the more details the better fishing gets for all species. It’s also about the goals we each have as anglers to what we want to achieve this year on the water. Walleye, Northern Pike, Perch, Small and Largemouth Bass, Brown Trout, Rainbows to Salmon and Splake or might it be the Musky all these species of fish are targeted each year by millions of anglers using many techniques with many different results.

Our goal is paying a little more attention to detail this year to catching more fish.

Details and understanding each specie of fish being targeted will help us catch more fish. Learning where these particular fish live and why in certain areas of the water column. The cover they choose, weeds whether cabbage, coontail, elodea or might it be rock ledges, boulders or the expansive wide open water areas as they travel in large schools throughout a lake basin.

Details of what each fish prefers for its daily diet, minnows, crayfish, bugs other fish and when it prefers to eat, their feeding patterns, time of day and being able to pinpoint specific feeding areas are all things that can be done to learn more about fish and their relationship to the environment they live.

Then comes using the right methods and techniques to catching these fish understanding what triggers strikes, catching these fish on a consistent basis being ready with numerous rigs as well being mentally ready to understand each fishing situation we are faced and able to being versatile enough.

Indeed lots of “details” but all part of the great challenge known as fishing. An instructor, guide and Charter Captain these are my goals daily and each year it is expected of me to do just that for each client aboard our boat. Open water season is only days away as winter slides into spring, take the time now, take some notes, read articles, target the fish your planning on fishing for this season, learn about them then put it all into use.

Many times you’ll hear me say, take time to “DOING YOUR HOMEWORK” that preplanning can make your fishing trip a success!

As always good luck on the water, Captain Marty.

You can contact Captain Marty by phone at: 800-708-2347 or checking out his website at:

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